Tarsila Project
Objects made from original drawings by Tarsila do Amaral

Investigação acervo Coleção de Arte da Cidade de São Paulo

Vitrine: série Cadernos de Viagem Galeria Leme, São Paulo (T. L.) 2012

Vitrine: série Cadernos de Viagem Galeria Leme, São Paulo (T. L.) 2012

[detalhe] Vitrine: série Cadernos de Viagem Galeria Leme, São Paulo (T. L.) 2012

Série Caderno de Viagem. Lápis sobre papel antigo restaurado 8,5 X 11,5cm 2011

Abaporu Tinta e grafite sobre papel antigo restaurado e moldura de época 72 X 64 X 06cm 2011

Caderno de Viagem Lápis sobre papel, 11,5 x 10 cm cada 2011

Série Caderno de Viagem. Lápis sobre papel antigo restaurado 8,5 X 11,5cm 2011

Série Caderno de Viagem. Lápis sobre papel antigo restaurado 8,5 X 11,5cm 2011
"I like the idea of doubles, of creating reality through fiction."
"Reflections and mirrorings are recurring subjects in my production, in this way I deepened my investigation through some instruments that were widely used by artists from the Renaissance onwards, such as the camera lucida (an instrument patented in 1806 that consists of prisms attached to a rod that allow one to simultaneously observe an object and its image projected onto a sheet of paper) or even copying through projections through concave mirrors and the darkroom. The appropriation of images becomes an inevitable subject as one works with reflections."
Gustavo von Ha